BIS 102: Biochemistry: Structure and Function of Biomolecules


  1. Introduction:  Cellular Diversity.  Biochemical unity of cells.  Biomolecules.  H2O and weak bonds.
  1. Basic Bioenergetics:  Reaction equilibria, free energy, and nucleotide hydrolysis.
  1. Acid-Base Chemistry:  Polyprotic acids, Henderson-Haselbach equations, buffers.
  1. Nucleic Acid Biochemistry: DNA and RNA
  1. Amino Acids:  The 20 standard amino acids.
  1. Introduction to Proteins:  Protein purification.  Protein Sequencing.
  1. Secondary and tertiary structure of proteins
  1. Tertiary and Quaternary structure of proteins
  1. Protein assemblies: Viruses, Cytoskeletal fibers.
  1. Ligand binding to proteins: (I): Oxygen binding to myoglobin.
  1. Ligand binding to proteins: (II): Oxygen binding to hemoglobin.
  1. Introduction to enzymes:  Effects on reaction rates/equilibria, free energy, and activation energy.  Acid-base and covalent catalysis.
  1. Enzyme kinetics I:  Enzyme purification and assay.  Michaelis Menten Kinetics. Km, Kcat, Vmax, Enzyme efficiency.
  1. Enzyme kinetics II:  Multisubstrate reactions, enzyme inhibitors.
  1. Mechanism of enzyme action:  Chymotrypsin.
  1. Biochemistry of Motor Proteins (I): Motility Mechanisms.  Sliding Filaments. Particle Transport.     Rotary Motors
  1. Biochemistry of Motor Proteins (II): Mechanisms of action of Myosin. Mechanism of action of Kinesin.
  1. Lipids and Membranes (I): Lipids-Triacylglycerides. Glycerolphospholipids. Sphingolipids. Sterols.       Self Assembly of Lipids-Critical Micellar Concentration
  1. Lipids and Membranes (II): Biological Membranes.  Fluid mosaic lipid bilayer. Membrane proteins.   Transport across membranes